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Servicio Técnico y Mantenimiento

Technical Service and Maintenance


The importance of the correct functioning of the computer system of a company is essential for it to be able to carry out its activity. Be it a failure of computers, printers, servers, etc. It can help us solve in the shortest possible time.

Axionnet - Servicio Tecnico Intro
Axionnet - Soporte Tecnico

If you are an SME or if you simply need to solve an isolated incident we put our team of technicians at your disposal to cover your needs.

We also offer the computer maintenance service, which consists of our technicians periodically making preventive visits so that all their equipment and peripherals work properly and you have your software and antivirus updated at all times.

In the area of customer service we offer the possibility to resolve your doubts or incidents online. Simply clicking will have a technician at your disposal remotely to clarify all your doubts and / or incidents.

Axionnet Logo B/W

We are a computer consulting company focused on the management and maintenance of digital systems and tools for the administration, positioning and digital marketing of companies, and the sole distributors of Infomed health software for the province of Tenerife.

Axionnet - Gobierno Canarias logo
Axionnet - Canarias Avanza logo
Axionnet - Proexca logo
Axionnet - ICEX logo
Axionnet - Red es logo
Axionnet - Union Europea logo

Axionnet Network SL, within the framework of the Export Initiation Program with the ICEX Net, has had the support of ICEX and with the co-financing of the European FEDER fund.
The objective of this measure is to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment.

Our office

Av. Tres de Mayo, Edif. Residencial Marítimo, 77 Oficina 9. 38005.
Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
Phone: +34 618 39 39 53
Mobile: +34 664 85 85 04