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Tienda Online Integrada con E.R.P.

How to integrate the Online Shop with the ERP?


All the functions that are developed within the online shop, which have to do with the management of third parties, product and service management, document management, etc. It is done automatically in the ERP, making systems management as efficient and effective as possible.

Axionnet - Tienda Online ERP Intro

Advantages of an integrated management

Axionnet - Gestión Integrada YellowStar

Simplification of system documentation, as well as the elimination of redundant information.

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Facilitate audits of evaluation processes.

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Unification control.

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Mayor agility, time saving, management improvement and cost reduction.

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What we offer with our ERP

We work with systems of Open Source that facilitates the development of a service with a better adaptability and allows us to migrate more quickly the information of the already established systems. In addition, we make sure that it is a social store, that is, that allows you to share content on social networks, quickly, just by clicking on the preferred network.

Do you have questions about our web services? Contact us and we will assist you in what you need to know.

Axionnet Logo B/W

We are a computer consulting company focused on the management and maintenance of digital systems and tools for the administration, positioning and digital marketing of companies, and the sole distributors of Infomed health software for the province of Tenerife.

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Axionnet Network SL, within the framework of the Export Initiation Program with the ICEX Net, has had the support of ICEX and with the co-financing of the European FEDER fund.
The objective of this measure is to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment.

Our office

Av. Tres de Mayo, Edif. Residencial Marítimo, 77 Oficina 9. 38005.
Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
Phone: +34 618 39 39 53
Mobile: +34 664 85 85 04